hyoho niten ichi-ryu
Hyoho Niten Ichi-ryu (兵法二天一流) which literally translates to; 'The two heavens as one school of strategy' is a Koryu Bujutsu (Samurai era Martial Arts School) founded by the legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, in the early 1600s.
The school is widely known for its Kenjutsu (剣術) (swordsmanship), specifically for the use of two swords at once, known as 'Nito Seiho' 二刀勢法, as Musashi was famous for his two sword style. This is only part of the school's curriculum which also has 'Bojutsu' 棒術 (Japanese long staff), grappling and other weapons.
In his time Musashi’s technique went against the traditions of most swordsmen of the time as the majority of schools techniques were based on single sword dueling, gripping the sword with both hands. His technique was highly sophisticated and refined, focusing on efficient movement and power.
The techniques of Hyoho Niten Ichi-ryu focus on economy of movement with little complication. Precise targeting is of high focus with a lot of importance placed on distancing and timing. Making techniques exceptionally tight, without wasted motion.
Itto Seiho 太刀勢法 (long sword techniques)
Kodachi Seiho 小太刀勢法 (short sword techniques)
Nito Seiho 二刀勢法 (long sword and short sword together techniques)
Tachi ai Bo Seiho 太刀合棒勢法 (Long staff against sword)
Bo ai Bo Shidai no Koto 棒合棒次第のこと (Long staff against Long staff)
Jittejutsu 十手術 (Truncheon art)
Yawara 柔 (Unarmed techniques / older term for Jujutsu)

Hyoho Niten Ichi-ryu calligraphy for Shinbōshin Dojo by Koshu Japanese Art ©

Hombu Dojo embukai

Hombu Dojo embukai

Hombu Dojo, Kokura, Japan
Photos provided courtesy of hombu dojo, Japan